
Therapeutic Yoga (Gentle)


Wednesdays: 9:30am-10:40am *Includes longer relaxation.
Wednesdays 5:30pm-6:30pm
Thursday 9:30am-10:30am
Sunday 6:00pm-7:00pm


Anti-Aging movement medicine with joint-freeing, breath work, range of motion, and myofascial release. Explore your body through natural movements. These moves may not always look like familiar yoga postures, but will help you with your traditional yoga practice. Great for all bodies that move repetitively or not enough due to injury or aging.


Benefits of Therapeutic Flow

  • Corrective movement patterns
  • Increased range of motion
  • Better balance
  • More confidence
  • Body awareness
  • Strengthening
  • Better connection to the breath
  • Enhanced focus and concentration
  • Decreased pain
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved sleep
  • Greater flexibility
  • Better mood

What is yoga therapy?

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Kelli Bryant

Kelli began her yoga journey in the Summer of 2016 after finding herself at a crossroads in life where her current lifestyle wasn’t serving her any longer. Working in the executive level of a corporation led to a life of stress, anxiety, and depression. Soon unhealthy coping mechanisms became a part of the every day routine, which made the ailments of life even more difficult to cope with. Trying to find the right path to “fix” herself led to seeking many sorts of treatment and therapy, but the growth was only ever temporary. Yoga became that missing pillar to keep positive growth a lifelong journey. It didn’t take long to realize that yoga wasn’t just a daily hobby, but also where her career was meant to be.

When you don’t see Kelli teaching a class, you will likely see her behind the front desk, where she serves as the Accounts Manager for Pranayoga.

She has a passion for helping others find their path in the world by using yoga as a tool to help them heal and grow. Whether it is through recovery from mental illness, addiction, or just trying to live life as their true self, she is eager to share with others her experience and yoga to help others recover as well. She has hopes to continue her training in the future. “It is important for me to share with my students that yoga isn’t just time spent on the mat, but the mat is where we train and practice a new set of skills that we can take with us off the mat and out into the world to help us through our every day stressors and anxieties.”

When she is not behind the desk or on the mat at Prana, you can find her with her 2 children, playing, learning, and exploring.

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Dani McGuire
Founder, Creator Sattva Vinyasa and Sattva Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, Yoga Therapist, Prana Vinyasa 500

Dani “Vani” founder of pranayoga and the method of Sattva Vinyasa Yoga Therapy has practiced yoga for over 22 years and practiced yoga therapy since 2007. Her journey began as she was healing from an eating disorder and chronic pain. Learning Yoga and Ayurveda has helped her in healing and she wants to share this with others through yoga therapy, ayurveda wellness counseling, and her book.

Dani is author of The Path of Joyful Living a modern day approach to kriya yoga and the psychology of yoga. She is also dedicated to teaching yoga to people with cancer and chronic pain. She is a Yoga Therapist registered with the International Association of Yoga Therapists(IAYT) which has also accredited PranaYoga Institute in their 1000 hour yoga therapy diploma.

Yoga is moment to moment right action, Love that unifies. Dani’s goal is to bring a healing agenda-less space to anyone wanting to learn yoga and share with others.

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Claudia Hedeen

Claudia always loved a good stretch: the muscles, the schedule – just how much can one person fit into a day? Attending her first yoga course in 1996 just continued the stretching. However, the more she delved into the practice, the more was revealed that yoga is the space lacking in the hectic life she created for herself. Seeking to explore beyond just one branch in the yoga tree brought her to the doors of Pranayoga. Every step revealed the possibilities of incorporating these teachings into the very breath that carries us through the experiences of our lives, however small or overwhelming they may seem. Claudia’s message: to find yourself in the jumble – even if we start one class at a time, hoping it will expand and stretch across each aspect of life.