
Vinyasa Krama: Adapt, Accommodate, Adjust (April)

April 13-14

Lunch 12:30-2:00pm


Learn the fundamentals of holistic wave sequencing, a step by step approach to achieving asana, and how to make asana accessible to more bodies. Experience the transformation of a Sattva Vinyasa class to unleash hidden potential and remove physical, mental and emotional tension, that hold us back in our practice and our daily lives.

Skill is not based on the physical posture alone, rather the ability to assume that position, through skillful conscious movement.

The transformation of a Sattva Vinyasa experience: We will use dynamic movement to unleash hidden potential in asana work as we remove mental blockages and release physical tension, that hold us back in our practice and our daily lives.


  • The fundamentals of holistic and wave sequencing.
  • Accessibility of yoga through vinyasa krama
  • The use of dynamic movement to rid ourselves of habitual tension that hold ourselves back in asana and daily life.


  • The step by step approach to achieving the benefits of basic through advancing in asana.
  • The benefits of uni-movement to stacked movements.


  • The sequence of a class or one on one session from start to finish.
  • The energetic qualities of a session.


  • Vinyasa Krama, Body Vinyasa, Prana Vayus, Rhythmic Vinyasa, Pulsations, Tejas and Ojas.

Foundations - Level 1 Yoga Therapy (300hr)

Vinyasa Krama: Adapt, Accommodate, Adjust


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Dani McGuire
Founder, Creator Sattva Vinyasa and Sattva Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, Yoga Therapist, Prana Vinyasa 500

Dani “Vani” founder of pranayoga and the method of Sattva Vinyasa Yoga Therapy has practiced yoga for over 22 years and practiced yoga therapy since 2007. Her journey began as she was healing from an eating disorder and chronic pain. Learning Yoga and Ayurveda has helped her in healing and she wants to share this with others through yoga therapy, ayurveda wellness counseling, and her book.

Dani is author of The Path of Joyful Living a modern day approach to kriya yoga and the psychology of yoga. She is also dedicated to teaching yoga to people with cancer and chronic pain. She is a Yoga Therapist registered with the International Association of Yoga Therapists(IAYT) which has also accredited PranaYoga Institute in their 1000 hour yoga therapy diploma.

Yoga is moment to moment right action, Love that unifies. Dani’s goal is to bring a healing agenda-less space to anyone wanting to learn yoga and share with others.