
Yoga Psychology Certification


Learn about behavior modification and mood management from the perspective of yoga therapy in this 9 day certification Yoga Psychology Certification Program. The course curriculum will be broken down into 3 three-day trainings on Yoga Psychology for Anxiety and Depression, Yoga for Recovery, and Yoga for Trauma. The curriculum is tailored to educate yoga professionals, mental health workers, and wellness professionals who want to expand their knowledge in body based practices, yoga therapy, and philosophy in working to manage care-seekers mood, heal relationships due to complex trauma and in supporting addiction recovery.

Students will learn how to use yoga and ayurveda as adjunct or stand alone practices with clients privately, in clinics, and group settings.

Students will gain:

A certificate of attendance and CEUs/Elective hours from Pranayoga Institute, a certified yoga therapy school by the International Association of Yoga Therapists.

The training will discuss—physiology, psychology, and behavior modification—so as to greatly enhance the likelihood of preventing relapse and overcoming traumas and mood management.

Course Schedule: Now Online

  • Yoga for Anxiety and Depression
  • Yoga Therapy for Trauma
  • Re-Imagining Addiction


**You will have the option of in-person or Live virtual training platforms upon enrollment.


Sessions meet: Online with mentoring.

Tuition: Yoga Psychology Certification $1200

Reading List:

Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers by Robert Sapolsky

Overcoming Trauma through Yoga by David Emmerson and Elizabeth Hopper

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Maté

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Dani McGuire
Founder, Creator Sattva Vinyasa and Sattva Yoga Therapy, Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, Yoga Therapist, Prana Vinyasa 500

Dani “Vani” founder of pranayoga and the method of Sattva Vinyasa Yoga Therapy has practiced yoga for over 22 years and practiced yoga therapy since 2007. Her journey began as she was healing from an eating disorder and chronic pain. Learning Yoga and Ayurveda has helped her in healing and she wants to share this with others through yoga therapy, ayurveda wellness counseling, and her book.

Dani is author of The Path of Joyful Living a modern day approach to kriya yoga and the psychology of yoga. She is also dedicated to teaching yoga to people with cancer and chronic pain. She is a Yoga Therapist registered with the International Association of Yoga Therapists(IAYT) which has also accredited PranaYoga Institute in their 1000 hour yoga therapy diploma.

Yoga is moment to moment right action, Love that unifies. Dani’s goal is to bring a healing agenda-less space to anyone wanting to learn yoga and share with others.