Featured Graduates

  • Suzie 1024x683

    Susie Fishleder

    Sattva Vinyasa Teacher 500RYT

    Attending the 300 HR Sattva Vinyasa Teacher Training at PranaYoga was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my yoga career. Dani’s combination of Ayurvedic wisdom and her Yoga Therapist background gives this program a unique perspective I haven’t experienced in over 20 years of practicing yoga. I have grown more skillful in my yoga practice and ability to teach, and I’ve found friendships and a sense of belonging. The Sattva Vinyasa program is well developed and thoughtful, and each of the instructors brings dedication and passion to their craft. I’m thrilled I discovered this gem of a studio in Indiana and I highly recommend it to anyone serious about deepening their knowledge of Yoga.

    - Susie Fishleder


  • Natascha 769x1024

    Natascha Bohmann

    Sattva Yoga Therapsist, C-IAYT

    The Sattva Yoga Therapy program at Pranayoga changed my life. I came into the program wanting to better serve, with a particular interest in working with those touched by cancer. One of the first things Dani shared as I visited the school for the first time, and frequently throughout the training program, was the importance of self-care in this work. As I went through the training, what surprised me was that I learned so much more about myself. I began to truly understand the value of self-care in the role of yoga therapist. I began to realize that the only way we can serve to the best of our ability is to first make the space for ourselves so that we can serve from an embodied, balanced, and poised space. One of the things that sets Pranayoga’s program apart is the weaving of Ayurvedic wisdom throughout the entire training. I feel this integration is essential in the work of yoga therapy, the two go hand-in-hand. From the guest teachers to Dani’s decades of experience, this program is comprehensive and well-rounded, equipping students to move into the realm of yoga therapy with skill and confidence. Before embarking on this training, I researched a lot of other yoga therapy programs and what I enjoyed most about the Sattva Yoga Therapy training is the community that was formed throughout the program with a consistent group of classmates whom I am happy to say are now lifelong friends. I also value the flexibility the program provides. In meeting one weekend a month, I was still able to work full-time and travel to Fort Wayne from out of state, making things manageable. If you’re looking to dive deeper into your studies and step into the work of yoga therapy, Pranayoga provides a welcoming and engaging learning community.

    - Natascha Bohmann

  • Roxie 684x1024

    Roxie Sweikar

    Sattva Yoga Therapist, C-IAYT

    The yoga therapy diploma program at PranaYoga Institute has been everything I desired it to be and more. I was looking to deepen my own practices and feel connected to a program that had deep roots. We were led by experts in many domains of Yoga Therapy from Ayurveda, breast cancer recovery, cardiac rehabilitation, healing structural injuries, trauma, and addiction. PranaYoga, led by Dani, is a sacred space. We were led by authentic healers who teach by example and from their own experience. I have been deeply impacted by their truth and empathy. A yoga therapist is unique in the ability to hold “agenda less” space for care seekers. Each time I am at Prana, I am welcomed back into that space for more awareness to unfold.

    Roxie currently works as a yoga therapist at Physicians Holistic Health Alliance in South Bend, IN and teaches yoga at the Univerity of Notre Dame


  • Marcia 819x1024

    Marcia Wright

    Sattva Vinyasa Teacher, E-RYT500

    I started practicing yoga nearly 20 years ago and then three years ago, at the age of 59, I started my yoga teacher training journey. Back then, I was not clear about all of the why’s, but I knew that I wanted to find a way to share the beauty of yoga with others. I wanted to share the love and compassion that I held in my heart with others. So, taking in breath…I put one foot in front of the other and just started! I came up against some fear and some self-doubt, but all of the wonderful teachers at PranaYoga guided me in ways that allowed me drop the veils of untruth…helped me to find my inner strength, my own inner abilities, my flow, my Dharma. This journey has been beautiful, challenging, enlightening and mostly a true gift. When I remember, that I am love, I am compassion, I become free to walk with other souls who are, like me, finding their own way up the mountain. As Ram Das put it so clearly, “We’re all just walking each other home.” Thanks PranaYoga for walking along with me.